Šiauliai ir Kaunas 1930 metais
Egyéb cím(ek): Šiauliai and Kaunas in 1930
Év: 1930
Leírás: Šiauliai candy factory “Rūta”. Owner A.Gricevičius, senior engineer and administrators in the office. Street in Šiauliai. Market of agricultural goods. View of factory “Rūta” from the street. Workshop of factory. Mystery performance “Warrior of ages” under the open sky: rehearsals. J.Bruzinskaitė organizes dinner. Vehicle in the car. T.Balandas with his girlfriend. US Lithuanian Adolfas Aleliūnas is pupil of Jesuit gymnasium. A.Rubliauskaitė and wife of A.Račkus walk in the garden of Military museum. They meet and greet the members of Lithuanian union “Pavasaris” board. Priest M.Krupavičius reads a lecture, in the auditorium at the table. Writer V.Mykolaitis-Putinas. Lithuanians of Vilnius who arrived to Kaunas for the first time.
Kulcsszavak: Kultūra / Pramonė / Šventės / Culture
Szolgáltató: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Jogok: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Szín: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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